Last updated:  June 2020

The Art of Islamic Pattern (London -UK)  International study options available


Led by experienced tutors, Richard Henry and Adam Williamson. Courses are a mix of geometry and arabesque with time built in for practical study. Students can choose to complete projects in ceramics, marquetry, woodworking, plaster or stone carving, glass gilding or manuscript illumination.   Please check their website for details.

Online classes now available, with an archive of classes that can be downloaded and viewed in your own time

The Prince's School of Traditional Arts (London -UK)


A large selection of short courses on offer which cover a broad range of subjects. Please check the website for details.  Students that complete 5 short courses within a 3 year period are able to apply for an Open Program Diploma.  

Some online courses available since May 2020, but these are heavily oversubscribed so please follow social media accounts for latest news of classes.

The Prince's school also offer academic courses (Diploma, Masters, MPhil, PhD) - please check the website for more information.


Samira Mian (London - UK)  

Samira is an experienced educator and upcoming artist who focuses on teaching Islamic Geometric Design. Samira is currently running workshops in London and the South East.  She has also released a fantastic new online course on Udemy - see her website for details.

Samira has also recorded and published a huge resource library of geometric step by step tutorials on her You Tube channel.

Aziza Iqbal (Doha - Qatar)

Aziza currently conducts practical geometry workshops for beginners, and is a community class instructor at VCU Qatar, teaching introductory courses on the traditional construction techniques used in Islamic geometric patterns. 

Ayesha Gamiet (London - UK)

Ayesha is an artist, illustrator and experienced educator based in London, specialising in Islamic manuscript illumination in the Turkish style. Ayesha offers courses and one to one tuition based out of her studio in Windsor - see her website for details

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